Tag Archive for: Inspiration

That call at 3 AM

Yes, that one. The one that jerks you awake – the bolt straight out of bed when the phone rings – kind of phone call.  Some years ago, I received such a call:

In the jet black of night, I answer the phone.

“Hello, is this Lori Noonan?” I hear a man’s voice ask on the other end of the phone line. “Yes,” I manage to say while in complete darkness as I fumble for a light switch.

“This is the County Coroner. I have news about your brother.” I am barely able to register what he’s saying and what’s really happening. I feel as if I’ve fallen into a deep, dark, hollow well.

The Coronor continues speaking, and says rather matter-of-factly: “He shot himself in the head and killed himself.”

The voice continues, stating rather brusquely: “He was found out near some railroad tracks, in his car, with a gun. In his wallet, the only contact info was a card with your name and telephone number on it. So, I’m calling you.”

I try to keep my composure and attempt to process what I’ve just been told.

Without skipping a beat, however, the Coroner just keeps talking, asking me questions and rattling off directives.

“Can you call the other family members?”

“They need to be notified.”

“Can you take care of that?”

In that moment, all I desire to do is to ask about my brother. My heart and my mind go straight there — to my brother, out in the rural outskirts of town, in the dark of night. In my mind’s eye, immediately I picture my brother out there in his car, in his final moments, full of despair.

Why by the railroad tracks, I ponder. Was he planning to stop the car on the tracks? Was that his plan and it somehow went awry? Was he worried about injuring others on the train, and backed away? Or, maybe he waited for a train to approach, but a train didn’t come by at that time of night? Oh, but he brought a gun with him, though, too. What exactly was his plan, and how long had he been planning this? What were his final thoughts? Did he really see suicide as his “only way out”?

My mind jetted from one scenario to the next and back again. Meanwhile, the Coroner is still talking.

Suddenly, the voice on the other end of the line punctures my imaginings, and pierces straight through and into my mindstream. This is when I heard something that I hope I never hear again, and pray that no one else ever has to hear when receiving this type of news:

With agitation in his voice, the Coroner says: “Okay, I gotta go now. I’ve got to get off the phone. Half his skull is missing, and there’s all kinds of blood and mess that I’ve had to clean up, and I’ve already had to stay past the end of my shift.”

I had just been envisioning my brother in the moments before his death. In my mind’s eye, he was still out there in his car, and was still very much alive.   I certainly wasn’t prepared to have that image immediately sliced through with a proverbial scalpel from the Coroner. Envisioning my brother with half his head blown off, and blood everywhere – that was an image that I neither needed nor desired.

The call just seemed so very callous. It was not as if I was an objective bystander, a non-interested third party, a ‘passer-by’ learning of this, for the first time.

It’s 3 AM, and I’m now standing in the middle of my apartment with the phone in my hand, and I feel so, so alone, so very alone.  And, my heart aches so, so deeply, for my brother. It felt as if my chest suddenly had caved in on itself. Heartache, in that moment, was anything but a euphemism.

And, it hit me that I would be the one then calling and informing the other family members.

From the darkness out into the light

Now, my intention here is not to vilify Coroners. I realize that they have a stressful job to do. I just wish that he had handled that conversation differently – with at least a bit of civility, a modicum of compassion, an ounce of sensitivity.

This happened quite a few years ago, and perhaps training and call protocols have improved since then? Or, maybe this one phone call was an anomaly? I’m realizing that it may be helpful for me to find out. It may be time for me to reach out to others who are facing or have faced suicide in their family. It may be time for me to advocate on their behalf, and to help medical professionals understand their point of view.  I’m feeling that it may be part of my own spiritual path.

Answering a Call of a Different Sort

I’m looking into ways that I may be of service, and share my experience with those in the mental health professions, and medical personnel, and the like. Recently, I’ve learned that here in the United States, there is a national organization that provides educational programs and classes for staff members who provide mental health treatment services. And, this organization has trained presenters who present on topics such as “ending the silence” in schools, and out to the general public as a way to promote awareness of mental illness.

Is this part of my calling? Yes, it feels as if it may be. Perhaps I may hold a lantern — to shed light along the dark passageways – for those with suicidal thoughts, and for those family members who feel so alone in helping themselves as well as their loved ones through such travails. At this point, it remains somewhat undefined. I am willing, however, to explore, follow my intuitive impulses, and find out.

Okay, your turn:

Do you recall a time when you received such a phone call? What, if anything, could that person have said that would have “lessened the blow”? In what ways would you be prompted to convey such a message, if you are or were in a position to inform someone of such news?

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2015 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

Why a Daily Practice?

First off, you may be asking yourself: Why bother with a daily practice? Is it really that important?

On any given day, many of us often find ourselves in the midst of busy-ness, chaos, and confusion. Life seemingly just keeps “coming at us,” right? Before we know it, we’re caught in the throes of life’s seemingly endless tasks, to-do lists, and responsibilities. They seem to arrive from all angles – from loved ones, work associates, four-legged furmily members, community, school and volunteer projects, and on and on.

Ah, so where to go for solace, reassurance, and a place of refuge from the storm? Sometimes the best way to use a refuge is to go to that place well before the day revs up its proverbial engine.

Daily practice is in devotion to you, and in turn your life, and to those with whom you come into contact throughout the day. I invite you to consider it to be a spiritual discipline as well. It’s a golden opportunity to connect with Spirit and to recommit to all that is meaningful.

The Value of Consistency

Consistent, regular focus and attention establishes a soothing, grounding rhythm. It builds and deepens, settles in, and at the same times expands and elevates your consciousness. You’re no longer simply “going along for the ride” in your daily life.   You’re in the driver’s seat. How empowering!

A little goes a long way. Keep going. Resist what may be an initial urge or temptation to stop, for no other reason than that it feels strange at first. Anything new will likely feel a little strange. Strange is good – really dreadful, however, not so good! Pay attention to how it feels – in a deeper sense – not just in a superficial, “I’m not accustomed to this” kind of way.

Feel free to experiment, too. Liken it to other ways in which you repeat something and fine-tune it over time. For example, picture it in the way that you would adjust a recipe: What makes for that perfect spaghetti sauce, or that perfect cup of tea?

Just as you would with practicing the guitar, or perfecting your golf swing, it will likely get better and easier over time, too. You will begin to see, feel and enjoy the improvement.   It will begin to feel more and more “natural” to you. Before you know it, you’ll likely wonder what it was ever like before you began to engage in a consistent, daily practice.

What are Some Examples?

A daily practice could be: meditation; focusing on your breathing; reading; journaling; or visualization exercises. Or, it may involve being outside or in nature.   What’s important is that your daily practice be done with a sense of reverence for the sacredness in it, and your self-honoring commitment to taking some dedicated time, just for you – to exploring what’s meaningful for you in your life, and how you wish to show up in it.

Feeling into It

If you’re just beginning a daily practice, or starting a new variation of one, allow it emerge. Allow it to come into being in an amount and degree of intensity that feels right for you. It should feel inspired, not forced.

Build slowly and consistently at a pace or intensity level that you can maintain. It’s not about seeing how quickly you can “get it done and over with” or creating a pressure-filled item to add to your ever-lengthening “to-do” list. It is, however, about honoring the time you’ve set aside for this, and sticking with it. It’s about savoring. (Envision a slow cooker, not a microwave oven!)

Another way to approach it may be to consider this: If you were to venture away from it – your daily practice – would you “miss” it? Would you miss the feelings, the centeredness, the groundedness, the solace, that it brings? If not, either change the practice, or step away from it. Set aside some time to get quiet, be still, and allow a new, more inspired practice to come forward to take its place. This is not something you do out of a sense of sullen obligation or worse yet, out of a sense of guilt…yuck! Turn back! Reconsider! Regroup!

Sacred Space

To the extent logistically possible, aim to maintain this daily practice at the same time each day, and in the same sacred location and designated space. It can be within your home or outside.   When traveling, bring with you an object or piece of clothing as a reminder of, and that holds the same sacred energy as, that of your daily practice back home.

For me, my daily practice takes place in a corner of my bedroom, with an altar and a yoga mat. Each morning, I light a candle, and clear my mind of any chatter, through breathing and meditation. Next, I’ll engage in prayer, yoga, reflection on my heart and soul’s desires, visioning or a combination of these.

If any or all of this seems intimidating, or overwhelming, relax and let that go. Allow any anxiety to subside.

Start with what is “do-able” for you, in the place and space that you are, right now, on this day. And congratulate yourself for embarking on any, or any new-for-you, daily practice! It’s a beautiful way to honor yourself and to take stock of the day and all the wondrous potential within you and all that awaits you.

A Spiritual Discipline – A Ritual with Meaning

When well designed, a daily devotional practice is an easily repeatable process that tells you, your body, mind, spirit and soul – that this is your special time each day – devoted to this practice, and not like any other time of day.

Remember, it’s helpful to “set the scene.” Light a candle, or wear a particular item of clothing. If journaling, have a particular pen set aside just for this purpose. Maybe you choose to sit in a particular spot in your home, or out on your deck, or on a particular bench in a nearby park? Maybe for you, it will involve taking a particular walking trail each day?

Approach it with a certain consciousness, deliberateness, and awareness. It’s surely not done aimlessly and out of a sense of “this is just my same ol’ routine.” It shouldn’t feel ordinary. Rather, welcome it as a divine invitation. Embrace it.  It’s as special and unique as you are!

Okay, your turn:

What is your current daily devotional practice? What feelings tend to arise as you participate each day? What, if any, patterns have been emerging for you, from day-to-day and over time? What are you noticing about your mood, energy level, ability to focus, and the like? Or, if you’re ready to start a brand new daily devotional practice, what are you choosing to incorporate into your day?

Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2015 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

Making it to the mat

As my kundalini yoga teacher says, just “making it to the mat” may be the most important step in any consistent yoga practice.

She means it in the physical sense – make it to your yoga mat to begin. It is, however, of course, so much more than that. It’s the launching pad that sets you up for spiritual, energetic, emotional and mental acuity, and yes dare I say, enlightenment. Okay, so maybe my even mentioning the word “enlightenment” brings out eye-rolls from some of you. Or, for others of you, it may truly serve as your inspiration. Either way, it’s important to make it to the mat!

Our Sunday morning kundalini yoga class has become my church, if you will. It sets the tone for my whole week. So, too, does “making it to the mat” – as often as possible (and it’s especially powerful to do on a daily basis). I’ll speak more to the importance of a daily practice in another post. For now, take my word for it – consistent, daily practice (yoga or otherwise) reaps rewards both tangible and intangible!

Led by our kundalini teacher, in our Sunday group, we recently completed our second round of a 40-day practice. For me, making it to the mat, during the early morning hours especially, brings about a deep and beautiful communion – a communion with natural rhythms, a renewed connection to Spirit, and a solid groundedness for the day.

Why the early morning hours? Known as the ‘ambrosia hours,’ the early morning hours signify when the world is quiet and fluid.

The kundalini tradition places special emphasis on the morning hours, due in large part to it being the time of day when nature’s energy is at its highest. Just as nature flows more fluidly at this time, so too does our spirit, and well-being. I invite you to treat this time as sacred. Your soul will thank you for it!

As poets and songwriters have often penned, it is true that it is always the darkest before the dawn. As in nature, the soul – like the sun – awakens and emerges, bringing with it the light to shine on us all. The ancient Celts believed this, and it stands just as true today. I invite you to approach each day with a sense of renewal. It’s a fresh opportunity to shine your light as only you can shine it. Imagine the possibilities!

Take this very day, TODAY, for example. Would today have been different, had you started it during the early morning hours with a sense of renewal, and embracing it as a fresh start? If you did start today with a morning practice, reflect on how you felt during those morning moments. What did setting aside this sacred time, just for you, set into motion? And, consider this: what will you do differently tomorrow? Jot down what comes to mind. Or, better yet, get quiet and let your intuition speak. What does your soul desire for you to do differently tomorrow?

I’d love to hear what comes up for you. Please share by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2015 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.