Independence is a powerful concept, evoking images of freedom, self-reliance, and the ability to shape your destiny. Whether it is achieving financial independence, emotional autonomy, or breaking free from limiting beliefs, claiming your independence is a transformative journey.

Here is a guide to embarking on this empowering path:

1. Understand What Independence Means to You

Independence is subjective. For some, it might be about living alone and managing their finances. For others, it could involve making decisions without relying on others’ opinions or external approval. Reflect on what independence means to you personally. Define it clearly for you and your journey.

2. Assess Your Current Situation

Take an honest look at your current state. What areas of your life do you feel dependent on others or external factors? This could be financial dependence, emotional reliance, or even dependence on certain habits and routines. Identifying these areas is the first step toward addressing them.

3. Set Clear Goals

Once you have a clear understanding of what independence means to you and where you currently stand, set specific, achievable goals. These goals should be aligned with your vision of independence. For example, if financial independence is your aim, a goal could be to save a certain amount of money or reduce debt by a specific percentage, and by a certain date.

4. Educate Yourself and Always Be Learning

Knowledge is a powerful tool in claiming your independence. If your goal is financial independence, educate yourself on personal finance, investment strategies, and budgeting. If emotional independence is your focus, learn about self-care practices, emotional intelligence, and coping mechanisms. The more informed you are, the better equipped you will be to make decisions that support your independence.

5. Take Responsibility for Your Choices

Independence means owning your decisions, both the good and the bad. This involves:

  • Making informed choices
  • Accepting the consequences of your actions
  • Learning from your mistakes

6.  Develop a Support System

While independence implies self-reliance, having a support system is also helpful. Surround yourself with people who encourage and support your journey. This could be friends, family members, mentors or advisors, or even online communities. They can provide guidance, encouragement, and a safety net as you navigate your path to independence.

7. Take Concerted Action

Knowledge and planning are essential, but action is where the transformation happens. Start taking steps toward your goals, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward is a move toward greater independence.

8. Build Resilience

The road to independence is rarely smooth. There will be challenges and obstacles along the way.

You may face:

  • Fear of failure
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Pressure from others to conform

Remember, these challenges are normal and can be overcome with persistence and self-belief.

Building resilience is key to overcoming these hurdles. Cultivate a positive mindset, practice self-compassion, and develop problem-solving skills. Resilience will help you stay committed to your path, particularly when things get tough.

9. Reevaluate and Adjust

Your goals and circumstances may change over time, and that is okay. Regularly reevaluate your progress and adjust your plans as needed. Independence is not a static state but a dynamic process. Being flexible and adaptable will help you stay aligned with your evolving vision of independence.


Finally, take the time to celebrate your achievements. Acknowledge the effort, dedication, and growth that have brought you to this point. Celebrating your independence reinforces the positive changes you have already made and motivates you to continue your growth.

For your consideration:

Take a moment to reflect on your own journey. What steps can you take today to claim your independence and live life on your terms? The path may not always be easy, but the rewards of personal freedom and self-realization are immeasurable. Here’s to your independence!

Okay, your turn:

Where in your life do you feel your independence has served you well, and in what ways have you made the most of it? Does your independence ever get in the way of what you would like to bring into your life? If so, what steps have you taken to move past the roadblocks?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

Time change


Time marches on


And waits

for no one


Or, does it?


Daylight Saving Time


Are we saving daylight

or saving time





What difference does it make

if at all


Who does the changing


We change our time pieces


Do we change ourselves

or our environment


Or simply do we “wind” ahead

or “back” an hour

depending on our geographic location


and the prescribed moment twice a year

on a Sunday

at 2 am


Has anyone told our bodies about this?


Why do the dog and the cat and the hamster and the guinea pig and the goldfish

not seem to notice?


Is it because they don’t wear watches

or look at the clock



For your consideration:

What if the entire world took a collective, heartfelt, time out during these time changes? For one hour, twice a year?  Let’s take time changes into our own control, and allow ourselves 6o minutes to hear the messages of our soul.  I mean this as a deliberate practice, and not as an esoteric concept.

For me, the past several years, it’s been a reset so to speak for my nervous system – my physical body system, and my inner knowing – my spiritual body.

Back before my more recent devotional and deep dives into the spiritual realm, I hosted in my home “clock parties,” where a large group of my friends and I would toast to the time change, eat clock-shaped frosted sugar cookies, and dance the night away the Saturday before the time change. So, there’s that option, too.  Pick your poison, erm, tradition.

Okay, your turn:

Making the switch to and from Daylight Saving Time (by the way, it’s Saving, without an “s” at the end, in case you’re wondering…as was I…the things I ponder!) – Does making the switch by one hour twice a year impact you?  If so, in what ways do you notice it?  Sleeping patterns disrupted?  Stomach growling at seemingly weird hours?  Are you happy about it?  Frustrated?  Maybe for you it’s not a big deal either way?

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2021 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.



Union and unity

or, at least the potential of it


within ourselves

and with and among each other

and with the Divine.

We are more alike than we are different.

We are all made of the same ‘stuff,’ the same stuff as the stuff of the earth and the stars.


As we hear spoken at Mass on Ash Wednesday, from the Old Testament:

From dust we came and to dust we shall return.  (Genesis 3:19)

And, as set forth in the New Testament, we are reminded that:

A house divided against itself cannot stand. (Mark 3:25)


Also, as Americans we’ve often heard repeated this pre-revolutionary war era rallying cry:

United we stand; divided we fall. (“The Liberty Song,” by John Dickinson (1768))


Each of us has this one life to live – staying true to ourselves and our convictions, and with our own sense of right and wrong – while also living as members of our increasingly globalized society.

So, why do we so often seem to be hell-bent on finding ways to emphasize our differences in such a way that, rather than uplifting each other, threatens to cut each other down, and keep us separated?  Why must we do so in ways that are disrespectful and even dare I say dehumanizing?

To do so, is to forget an important spiritual principle, as so eloquently set forth in Yogi Bhajan’s First Sutra of the Aquarian Age:

Recognize that the other person is you.

I have this sutra, included in the list of all five sutras, posted on a wall right next to my bathroom mirror.  It reminds me of the mirror, if you will, that each of us is of each other and for each other.  (For more on this First Sutra, go here.)

How We Express Ourselves To One Another

On social media, I find it challenging.  I may not always, and may not ever, truly get it ‘right.’  I do approach it with the intention, however, of striking some sort of proportionate distribution among: raising awareness and shining a light on issues that matter to me in this world, and doing so without inflicting harm, shame or blame on another – especially on anyone in the private sphere.  Elected and appointed officials, in my opinion, are subject to a bit more scrutiny, although there too I do my best to raise awareness, clarify facts, and share my point of view in a way that’s not focused on shaming the person on a purely personal level.

For the most part, I look for examples of what I’d like to “see more of” in the world.  By contrast, I suppose that in so doing, I’m also pointing out what I’d like to see “less of” in the world – and yet, why give extra mileage to those things, is my thinking?  Haven’t those negative things already gained more than enough traction?

Sometimes, by design, I take a moment to reflect, and refrain from posting anything at all. It’s not that I don’t care.  Sometimes, I feel maybe I care too much?  Is there such a thing as caring too much?  I don’t know, really.  I do know that often there is much more to be learned from listening than from telling, and certainly more to be gained by showing compassion rather than by “making a point” in a way that’s browbeating and berating to another.

As I write this, I’m reminded of the proverb: There but for the grace of God, go I.

We never fully know what another person’s experience or conditions may be.  We can only hope to heed even but the briefest moments and garner but the slightest glimpses of understanding.  What would we do if we were in their particular situation or living within their particular circumstances?  What if the roles were reversed?  I am not suggesting that I have it all figured out.  I do know, though, that at least I’m trying to be conscientious and expressing myself with a certain level of decency while also maintaining my sense of advocacy on behalf of those values and ideals I hold most dearly. It’s an ongoing, day-by-day, invocation.

For your consideration:

With friends, colleagues, and even strangers, can we aim to be more compassionate, and less quick to dehumanize?  Have social media “won” the game — in terms of reducing us to online bullies and to showing up as web-based wielding knife-throwers? Can we change the rules of the game?  I say we can.

Are we up for raising the level of discourse? I’m game! Are you in?

Okay, your turn:

Where do you feel we’ve gone astray with regard to how we treat one another, and why? How can we improve our discourse? From a loving place, and not from a place of vindictiveness, harshness, or shame or blame, are there any examples you’d like to share?

I invite you to SHARE your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2018 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.