At this time of year when the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is at its thinnest and most transparent, I’m struck by the emergence of seemingly non-coincidental coincidences. In this edition of Soul Notes, allow me to share a story of what happened a couple weeks ago.
Fanciful financials
This year for me has been one of self empowerment – in my outlook on life, my relationships, and in my money matters. Among other things, I’ve been taking a more active role in creating and stewarding my wealth. Along those lines, in reviewing my credit card statements this month, I discovered multiple charges on one of my accounts, that I did not authorize.
If you’re anything like me, calling an 800 number and working through a myriad of voice prompts and being put on hold for great lengths of time is not high on your joy list. Even lower on the list is calling a credit card company to challenge hundreds of dollars in charges. So, I took charge (pun intended!) of the situation by allowing the experience to be a lot more pleasant and perhaps even fanciful. Fanciful financials, why that would be wonderful, wouldn’t it?
I set the intention that, instead of taking on my usual dread of calling a credit card company, I would first make a call of a different kind. I took a deep breath, got quiet, and called in the angels. Not any ol’ angels mind you – I called in angelic helpers of a certain variety, namely those looking for a specific type of assignment.
My spiritual call went something like this:
“Hello…any fanciful financial angels available in this moment? Especially ones who are good at facilitating the resolution of billing disputes, so that I may remain calm and patient throughout, and get this resolved smoothly, today, if possible?”
Okay, if you’re thinking that this blog post is getting way too hocus pocus for your taste, stay with me. My wish is that this lil’ story serves as a heartwarming respite from the otherwise heavy news you may be reading elsewhere today.
Wonderful wonders
Remember the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”? Originally released during the 1940s, it’s now considered to be an all-time favorite holiday classic.
Jimmy Stewart plays the protagonist George Bailey who at the beginning of the film, we find out, considers himself to be a failure. He wishes that he had never been born. The film continues to weave between two “realities” – one where George’s life and the lives of those around him take a certain course; in the other, without George, those same events transpire in an entirely different way.
It is through the intervention of a visitor in town, a messenger named Clarence, that we and George see the true value of George’s life, and the vivid impact his life has had on everyone around him.
Near the end of the movie, George is seen standing next to his wife in front of a Christmas tree, with his daughter in his arms. George looks down to find a book gifted to him by his friend Clarence, inscribed with prophetic words, and ending in: “Thanks for the wings!”
At that moment, a jingle-jangle is heard, and the camera zooms in on a small bell hanging on the Christmas tree.
The daughter points to it, and says:
“Look Daddy!
Teacher says, every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.”
George says to her, in response:
“That’s right. That’s right.”
Looking up and winking, George says:
“Attaboy, Clarence!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now, back to my credit card story. After I had invoked the fanciful-financial-spirit-helpers-on-assignment, I took another deep breath, and dialed up Bank of America on their customer service line. With renewed faith and an uncommon-for-me dose of patience, I followed the multiple recorded voice prompts, and then waited calmly on hold, when eventually a person came on the line.
“Hello,” she says.
“This is Angel.”
What the what? Come on, you’re kidding me, right? I say this to myself, and then smile as I realize what’s happening…Well, of course her name is Angel.
I feel a gush of glee and satisfaction, and think to myself: Well, this truly is fanciful financials!
Angel couldn’t have been more helpful. She carefully reviewed my account and the disputed charges, and assured me that she would do what she could to get the charges removed. To do that, she said, she would need to call the merchant.
Rather than hanging up with me – or giving me the usual “we will look into it and you may or may not see any changes reflected on your next statement” – Angel did something that in my experience was a first: she offered to call the merchant while I was still on the phone, so that we could get everything taken care of in one fell swoop.
A three-way call
Here’s how the next part of the conversation went:
Angel: “I have the merchant’s representative on the line, Lori.”
Lori: “Angel, will you stay on the line, too, or are you transferring?”
Angel: “Yes, I’ll stay on the call with you. Here he is…”
I listen for his voice, and he says:
“Hello, this is Clarence.”
We worked it out, and all disputed charges were removed.
For your consideration:
Now is an ideal time to invite in clear communication and assistance from behind the veil. So, I leave you with these words from Train’s “Calling All Angels”:
“I need a sign to let me know you’re here
‘Cause my TV set just keeps it all from being clear
… And I’m calling all angels
I’m calling all you angels”
Okay, your turn:
What messages are coming through for you in your life? Are you calling in any angels?
I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!
© 2016 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.