
What does it mean to have a structure?

It is a framework

A template

Something that holds something together?


To deconstruct–

Is that to destroy?

To “unbuild” what was built?


What then is instruction?

To in-build

as in to build-in

a set of instructions

to follow

To create

something consisting

of parts

of lessons

that make up a



What is the source?

Who is the source
of these courses


And who are they built for?

Who does the creating

Who does the teaching

Who does the learning

Is it a symbiotic



Is it a giving

and a taking

an exchange


of value

of sorts?


For the purpose of mutual benefit?

Does it stem from or flourish from

A foundation of mutual recognition?

If not, should it?


Are we one with each other

With nature

with the planet

with the sun, the moon, and the galaxies


Learning and weaving together

as separate parts of one whole

Of one organism, truly?



Not comedy


Not aww-ness






thank you.


For your consideration:

When we hear (or say) that we are destroying our planet, are we not indeed acknowledging that we are destroying ourselves? Does not nature (and we are nature) come with its own divine structure?  When we build up artificial structures, only to dismantle and destroy them, what value remains, if any?  When you hear the word infrastructure, what does that connote for you?

Okay, your turn:

Do these lines of inquiry present any new awareness for you?  Would you rather not pay them any mind?  Is there a risk in doing so?  How about in not doing so?

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

 © 2021 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.



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