Entries by Lori A. Noonan

Shooting for the fences

Truth or consequences Shooting for the fences the defenseless Tragedy from the confines of a troubled mind with no mind for the memories of Columbine And so many others Who’s next in line? Heartless cruelty inflicting pain on purpose without purpose in any redeemable way Which is all to say that evil bleeds through in […]

In the quiet

In the quiet the sound sounds louder In the darkness the light lights brighter Can you hear it? Can you see it? You can You can You certainly can, can Dance the can-can Spring has sprung! into a new moon and into soon the merry merriment of Beltane. High kicks galore! Okay, your turn: What […]

To bow

To bow to the true wisdom within and all around us You, me, and we. Is to… Welcome in and accept the protection The mighty, mighty protection that abounds Preserving the life force of course to stay the course of the journey into Oneness. For your consideration: Protection is often defined and described as shielding […]


Money and other economic sanctions Designed to and do hit right in the deep pockets of one man’s autocratic destructive impulses   Global banking system shuts down invisible borders Invisible access in a manner not possible 80 years ago   Sanctions to restrain the dictatorial power employed by a singular Head of State in a […]

From emptiness good things come

Emptiness Emptiness In the void The void holds all Full, Pregnant with potential Ready to spring forth from the protection of the darkness Feels exciting And nervy Both on the same thin edge An electrifying jolt buzzing Everything you need contained and held within the shell as you begin to crack through the lining and […]