
This month marks a period of transition and abundance as summer starts to wind down and autumn approaches. This month, often seen as the bridge between seasons, carries the themes of harvest, reflection, and preparation for the colder months ahead. Central to these themes is the celebration of Lammas, an ancient festival that marks the first harvest of the year.

The Significance of August

Named after Augustus Caesar, August is historically a time for various agricultural activities, as many crops reach their peak and are ready to be harvested. This month is associated with abundance, fulfillment, and the fruits of labor, both literally and metaphorically.

In the northern hemisphere, August is when communities come together to celebrate the bounty of the earth. Farmers’ markets are packed with fresh produce, and gardens are in full bloom. It is a month that invites us to enjoy the last days of summer and start thinking about the changes that autumn will bring.

The Celebration of Lammas

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is celebrated at the beginning of August and is one of the four major Celtic festivals, alongside Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltane. The word “Lammas” comes from the Old English “hlaf-mas,” meaning “loaf mass,” reflecting the custom of baking bread from the first harvested grain and offering it in thanks.

Historical Roots

Lammas has deep roots in agrarian societies, where the first harvest of grain was a critical time. This festival was an occasion to give thanks for the abundance of the earth, ensure the continuing fertility of the fields, and prepare for the upcoming winter. Communities would gather to share food, stories, and music, reinforcing social bonds and collective gratitude.

Modern Celebrations

Today, Lammas is celebrated by various groups, including those with an interest in ancient traditions. The themes of Lammas remain relevant: gratitude for the harvest, recognition of the cyclical nature of life, and preparation for future challenges.

Common Practices:

  1. Baking Bread: One of the most cherished traditions is baking a loaf of bread from the first grain harvested. This act symbolizes the transformation of the earth’s bounty into sustenance.
  2. Feasting: Lammas feasts often include fresh fruits, vegetables, and other seasonal foods. It is a time to enjoy the abundance of the harvest and to share it with others.
  3. Crafting Corn Dollies: Creating corn dollies from the last sheaf of grain is a traditional craft. These dolls are often kept until the next planting season as a symbol of hope and fertility.
  4. Nature Walks: Connecting with nature through walks or hikes is a common way to celebrate Lammas. Observing the changes in the landscape and gathering wildflowers or herbs can deepen one’s connection to the natural world.
  5. Community Gatherings: Whether through festivals, fairs, or small community events, coming together to celebrate Lammas reinforces the bonds between people and highlights the importance of community support.

Reflections and Intentions

Lammas is a time for reflection on personal growth and achievements. Just as farmers assess their crops, individuals can take stock of their own lives, celebrating successes and learning from challenges. It is a moment to set intentions for the rest of the year, focusing on what needs to be nurtured and what can be released.

Themes of Gratitude and Abundance

The themes of Lammas are universal and timeless. Gratitude for the abundance in our lives, whether it is in the form of food, relationships, or personal accomplishments, is central to the celebration. Recognizing and appreciating what we have harvested in our own lives encourages a positive outlook and a sense of fulfillment.

Preparation for Change

August and Lammas remind us that change is constant and that we must prepare for it. As farmers prepare their fields for the next planting season, we too must prepare for the transitions in our own lives. This preparation can be practical, such as planning for future projects, or emotional, such as letting go of past grievances.

For Your Consideration:

August, with its rich mix of warmth, abundance, and impending change, is beautifully captured in the celebration of Lammas. This festival invites us to pause, give thanks, and prepare for the future.

  1. Set aside 15 minutes to reflect and journal on what has come into your “harvest” since the start of the year.
  2. Give thanks in humble gratitude for what has come into your life this year, and recognize all the bounty that surrounds you.
  3. Prepare for your future, by celebrating in a practical way that which you would like to continue harvesting – – Some ideas: make an altar; create a bird feeder; collect something of value that you have brought into “3D” and place it in front of you to see daily between now and the next harvest.

Consider how life and love appear all the sweeter when you take stock of all that you have, instead of what may seem to be lacking.

Okay, your turn:

Where in your life do you feel most abundant? Would you like to receive even more in that area? Or, perhaps you would like to harvest a greater abundance in a different area? Which will you choose?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

New beginnings

A whisper in the wind

A blank page untouched by time

In the sliver of dawn

Where shadows fall back behind

The horizon line

Faith blooms anew

In the silent space

A promise of what may yet unfold

Among the secrets

Still untold

Like dewdrops on petals

In soft morning light

A dance of potential

With a wiggle of might

New beginnings

Like a canvas wide

Invite us to paint a journey

Much obliged

For in the beat

Between breaths and sighs

Is where the magic quietly resides

Okay, your turn:

New beginnings…love ‘em or dread ‘em? Does it depend? If so, in what ways?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2024 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

Give it a frame

Give it a frame

through which to view

the year

your year


Never the same

as what may have come

of the year drawing

to a close

May it no longer be tamed

nor reduced to a simple game

To be repeated

ever more

or less so tame

and lame

as to be unwittingly turned away

from all the possibilities

that bring you joy

For your consideration:

When I was the Features editor for my school newspaper, I took great care in selecting from among the many photographs submitted by the photographers, paring down to the very few that most captured the emotions of the moment. The Sports editor, not surprisingly, focused on selecting the most dynamic action shots. It was with intention and a devotion to the story.

The same process can be applied to the new year. As you review all that was (and wasn’t) 2021, what are you bringing with you into 2022, and what are you leaving behind?

I encourage you to give yourself the opportunity to put a frame around the new year. As you would with a painting or a photograph, what are you choosing to put within the frame? What are you bringing into clear focus by framing it as such? And, by design, what are you thereby leaving outside the frame?

Put another way, we speak of the “framers of the Constitution.” The founding fathers — alas no founding mothers at least not officially — deliberately and with intention decided what would be included in, and excluded from, the nation’s foundational charter. (For more on that, follow this link to a previous edition of Soul Notes here.)

It makes a difference where you place the frame.

Okay, your turn:

What is it about the turning of the calendar from one year to the next that excites you? Anything about it that actually instead drives you a bit batty?

Do you approach each year with intention? If not, will you do so this year? Are you willing to give it a try?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2022 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

Across the veils

From the center






relating with

all the relations

Across the veils

so thin

and frail

To avail

myself the opportunity

to connect

with those

who have passed on

to other worlds

across the multiverse

only to converse

in telepathic ways

among the waves

of grief

For your consideration:

When we say someone has passed on, have they really left us, truly?

This time of year, with the observance of Samhain, All Hallows’ Eve, All Souls Day, Day of the Dead, all converging upon early November, the connection with the spirit world is stronger than ever.  I feel it. I lean into it. I blend with it. With each subsequent year, I emerge more and more connected, more and more at peace, with all that was – and all that – is.

Okay, your turn:

Have you lost loved ones, and if so, did the love leave with them?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2021 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

Second things first

“It’s become so automatic, I don’t even think about it when I’m doing it.”

“It is so ‘second nature,’ I could do it in my sleep.”

What if we put our second nature first? What if our second nature became our first nature?

When we say something becomes second nature, we mean that it’s not something we’re consciously aware of when we’re doing it. For example, once you learn how to drive a car, you’re not consciously aware of all the movements you’re making to drive the car, and to navigate from point A to point B.

It could also be something that we say we do by instinct — again, without really thinking about it.

“I don’t know how I reached out and kept that child from falling over the railing, it was just a knee-jerk reflex.”

In other words, it’s living from your subconscious. I wouldn’t say it is unconscious — it’s anything but that. Rather, it’s consciously living from what is there all along. Instead of relying on thinking to make it happen — we let the thinking take a back seat, and elevate the subconscious up to the surface.

We can invite it up and out to play all the time! Radical idea? Maybe. Worth it? Absolutely.

Is thinking overrated?

“I never gave it another thought.”

“I just did it without thinking.”

We say things like the above statements as if thinking is the central benchmark, the kingpin, the main yardstick by which to gauge our actions and experiences. Why have we given thinking such an elevated status?

Of course, in any given moment your brain never truly shuts off. It doesn’t completely disengage from your bodily functions any more than your lungs keep from expanding and contracting, or your heart stops beating.

It’s merely a part of you, and yet it’s not all of you. When your second nature kicks in — during any emergency for example — you bring your awareness into keen focus. You are bringing a blending in of all of you into and to that moment. You are one with the situation, each person in that moment, and truly one with all of creation. There are no boundaries real or perceived. I know this may seem trippy, and I assure you this is not a drug-induced blog post, if that’s what you’re thinking. What you’re thinking, see what I mean? We are a thinking-obsessed so called modern society.

For your consideration:

What if we allowed our thinking to fade into the mix of our lived experiences, almost as if we swirled our thinking into a can of paint, using a wooden dowel, and letting the thinking disappear into the whole of the paint? Would we miss it ? Or, would we simply allow it to swirl into the mixture that becomes the fully blended vibrant paint color? Did the prior paint in the can cease to exist, or did the new paint that was added in — did that no longer exist, once we mixed it all in together? Nope. It stayed. It melded. It only seemed to disappear.

We can step out of our thinking brain and experience all of creation in a 360-degree (up down, all-around) way. We can live life in a way that I would deem to be spherical.

I contend that our lives would take on a, pardon the pun, whole new dimension. I’ve been living this way the past few weeks, and it’s been wild as heck and soooo nice to give my brain a rest. I’ve been putting my brain on an ongoing moment-by-moment ‘time out,’ and it’s been wondrous. And, in living this way you’re never alone, because you are living from a place of being one with everyone and everything.

Okay, your turn:

Does this idea of living from what I am calling a place of spherical awareness — living wholly and completely from outside the thinking mind — does that appeal to you? Are you willing to give it a go?

I invite you to share your feelings and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2021 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.

All that is holy

With this season of holy nights and holy lights illuminating the darkness and lighting our path, we await each new dawn. We emerge into the day’s light, having risen from our moments of respite and retreat.  I write this symbolically and yet from the physical realm, too.  The deeper the well, the deeper the water; the deeper the reach down fully into the source.

At this, the final new moon of 2019 and among the few remaining nights and days of the 2010s, we are each about to step across a threshold from one decade into the next.  It’s a time of high energy and high holiness.

All are sacred

All are holy

Are we wholly holy?


Does our wholly holiness show up wholly?

Not always


We focus on the season

We can focus on a lifetime

Well spent

Well enjoyed

Well served

Well shared

Deep from within

our own well


Our whole selves…














For your consideration:

As we leave behind 2019 and cross into 2020, I wonder this: What’s on the horizon?

What is it that you hold most high? Most holy? Will you express it? Wholly?

I invite you to set a timer for 11 minutes, take three long deep breaths, close your eyes and allow an image, a word, a phrase, a feeling of what the next decade will represent for you and how you will move through this new decade as we approach that door, our front foot resting serenely and confidently upon the threshold.

Okay, your turn:

When you hear, read, or contemplate the word “holy,” what comes up for you? Is it tied to a particular holy-day, or a certain season?  It is something to which you aspire? Do you bring it into your interactions at work or other communities, with your family, with your friends?

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2019 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.