
This month marks a period of transition and abundance as summer starts to wind down and autumn approaches. This month, often seen as the bridge between seasons, carries the themes of harvest, reflection, and preparation for the colder months ahead. Central to these themes is the celebration of Lammas, an ancient festival that marks the first harvest of the year.

The Significance of August

Named after Augustus Caesar, August is historically a time for various agricultural activities, as many crops reach their peak and are ready to be harvested. This month is associated with abundance, fulfillment, and the fruits of labor, both literally and metaphorically.

In the northern hemisphere, August is when communities come together to celebrate the bounty of the earth. Farmers’ markets are packed with fresh produce, and gardens are in full bloom. It is a month that invites us to enjoy the last days of summer and start thinking about the changes that autumn will bring.

The Celebration of Lammas

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is celebrated at the beginning of August and is one of the four major Celtic festivals, alongside Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltane. The word “Lammas” comes from the Old English “hlaf-mas,” meaning “loaf mass,” reflecting the custom of baking bread from the first harvested grain and offering it in thanks.

Historical Roots

Lammas has deep roots in agrarian societies, where the first harvest of grain was a critical time. This festival was an occasion to give thanks for the abundance of the earth, ensure the continuing fertility of the fields, and prepare for the upcoming winter. Communities would gather to share food, stories, and music, reinforcing social bonds and collective gratitude.

Modern Celebrations

Today, Lammas is celebrated by various groups, including those with an interest in ancient traditions. The themes of Lammas remain relevant: gratitude for the harvest, recognition of the cyclical nature of life, and preparation for future challenges.

Common Practices:

  1. Baking Bread: One of the most cherished traditions is baking a loaf of bread from the first grain harvested. This act symbolizes the transformation of the earth’s bounty into sustenance.
  2. Feasting: Lammas feasts often include fresh fruits, vegetables, and other seasonal foods. It is a time to enjoy the abundance of the harvest and to share it with others.
  3. Crafting Corn Dollies: Creating corn dollies from the last sheaf of grain is a traditional craft. These dolls are often kept until the next planting season as a symbol of hope and fertility.
  4. Nature Walks: Connecting with nature through walks or hikes is a common way to celebrate Lammas. Observing the changes in the landscape and gathering wildflowers or herbs can deepen one’s connection to the natural world.
  5. Community Gatherings: Whether through festivals, fairs, or small community events, coming together to celebrate Lammas reinforces the bonds between people and highlights the importance of community support.

Reflections and Intentions

Lammas is a time for reflection on personal growth and achievements. Just as farmers assess their crops, individuals can take stock of their own lives, celebrating successes and learning from challenges. It is a moment to set intentions for the rest of the year, focusing on what needs to be nurtured and what can be released.

Themes of Gratitude and Abundance

The themes of Lammas are universal and timeless. Gratitude for the abundance in our lives, whether it is in the form of food, relationships, or personal accomplishments, is central to the celebration. Recognizing and appreciating what we have harvested in our own lives encourages a positive outlook and a sense of fulfillment.

Preparation for Change

August and Lammas remind us that change is constant and that we must prepare for it. As farmers prepare their fields for the next planting season, we too must prepare for the transitions in our own lives. This preparation can be practical, such as planning for future projects, or emotional, such as letting go of past grievances.

For Your Consideration:

August, with its rich mix of warmth, abundance, and impending change, is beautifully captured in the celebration of Lammas. This festival invites us to pause, give thanks, and prepare for the future.

  1. Set aside 15 minutes to reflect and journal on what has come into your “harvest” since the start of the year.
  2. Give thanks in humble gratitude for what has come into your life this year, and recognize all the bounty that surrounds you.
  3. Prepare for your future, by celebrating in a practical way that which you would like to continue harvesting – – Some ideas: make an altar; create a bird feeder; collect something of value that you have brought into “3D” and place it in front of you to see daily between now and the next harvest.

Consider how life and love appear all the sweeter when you take stock of all that you have, instead of what may seem to be lacking.

Okay, your turn:

Where in your life do you feel most abundant? Would you like to receive even more in that area? Or, perhaps you would like to harvest a greater abundance in a different area? Which will you choose?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

Throughout our lives, desire acts as a powerful force, as we infuse our goals with meaning and purpose. Our innate protection mechanisms often stand as barriers, though, hindering our progress and holding us back. How can we integrate effectively these contrasting forces and still move forward successfully? Let us delve into this interplay.

Desire for Success: A Motivational Engine

Desire serves as the fuel that ignites our ambitions, pushing us beyond our comfort zones towards greater growth. Whether it is professional advancement, personal development, or nurturing relationships, our desires are deeply rooted within us. Desire motivates action, fosters resilience, and shapes our visions for a brighter future.

We need more than desire alone to receive success. Strategic planning, perseverance, and taking inspired action steps help us to overcome obstacles along the way.

Protection Mechanisms: Navigating Self-Preservation

In a push-pull relationship with our aspirations, our psyche comes equipped with protective mechanisms aimed at safeguarding our well-being. These mechanisms, ingrained through evolution, manifest as fear of failure, self-doubt, or reluctance to step beyond what is comfortable. While essential for survival, they can also inhibit growth and progress.

Acknowledging these protective instincts is crucial. Awareness allows us to recognize when these safeguards get triggered and yet all the while appreciating their underlying motives.

Achieving Integration: Finding the Balance

To integrate desire and protection effectively, several steps can be taken:

  1. Awareness: Recognize when protective mechanisms are at play and understand their root causes. This awareness empowers us to confront and transcend these barriers.
  2. Be Thankful for the Fear: Rather than allowing fear to paralyze us, view it as a natural response to the unknown. Use fear as a motivator for growth and resilience.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Success often involves setbacks. Cultivate self-compassion to navigate challenges with grace and learn from experiences.
  4. Allow Vulnerability: Stepping into vulnerability opens doors to new opportunities. Take risks, acknowledge mistakes, and seek support when needed.

For your consideration:

Visualize it all working out plus visualize yourself taking the incremental steps to get you there. As with a GPS, allow it to be a navigational tool – guiding you turn by turn, toward your intended destination. It is both the journey and the destination that matters. And, remember to leave room for fluidity, for adjustments, if and as conditions change – you always reserve the right to make course corrections.

Living by design, with intention, focused and at ease, can be immensely satisfying.

In the intricate weave of life, balancing our desire for success with our inherent protective instincts is an essential skill. And, it is one that you can cultivate at will. By integrating these contrasting forces, we unlock our full potential and move forward with self-assurance.

Success is not just about reaching goals; it is about embracing the journey with courage and determination. I invite us all to navigate this delicate path with resilience and purpose, moving closer to our aspirations while remaining grateful for the guardrails that aim to keep us from harm.

Okay, your turn:

When have you found yourself fulfilling your aspirations consciously, and doing so despite the fears that inevitably arise when you are taking on a new challenge?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

Giving thanks

A source of grace

A way of seeing

A way of being

Finding space

In every challenge

Every sunrise

Every sunset

For in the depth

Of a thankful


There remains

A start

Of something new

Something true

For you

Okay, your turn:

For what and whom are you thankful? Does it take a holiday to remind you?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2023 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.


begets gratitude

It is cyclical

What goes around

comes around


until the lesson

is learned



for what it is

and for what it is not




For your consideration:

Taking a moment to step off the merry-go-round, what do you observe about yourself, your life, your growth? Any recurring patterns worth saving? Any worth discarding?

We do get to choose. It is all in the noticing.

Okay, your turn:

What areas of your life are evolving? In what way? When something ‘comes around again,’ do you reflect on what you can do differently?

I invite you to share your observations, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2022 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.