From disciple to discipline


Once a student

always a scholar


Disciple comes from the Latin for student

and Old English for scholar


Who is teaching

and who is learning?


A disciple:

One who follows

and yet who is leading?



What does it take to lead

Or to follow one’s lead


Is it discipline?


A steady, consistent


follow through

in a way

that invites a welcomed result

without leaning too hard

on specific expectations

rather on beautiful outcomes


and remaining open to surprises

not unlike

the writing of poetry

or the reading of poetry


the writing of a poem

the reading of a poem


Did this take an unexpected turn?

Are you surprised?

I smile as I write this

I hope you do too

as you read this



a follower

or a following-through

of sorts


Hopefully devoted

to devotion

or so it seems

at the seams

along the edges

then all-in

fully immersed

in the sea of wishes

and dreams

and with the continued discipline

to see them emerge

in their fullest



And we’re back.


For your consideration:

What about following, or leading, evokes a stirring within you? Anything?  All things? Certain things?

For me, curiosity runs through me almost like life’s blood. It doesn’t waver. To try to stop it would be like trying to hold my breath.

Questioning, seeking, learning, solving, not quite solving, learning again, solving, not quite solving. Life offers a Rubik’s cube of possibilities.

Okay, your turn:

Would you consider yourself a follower, or a leader, or both? Are you always learning, studying? When do you turn from being a learner to a doer, to an experimenter, an explorer, an adventurer? Or, do they blend into one another?

I invite you to share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences by leaving a Reply in the Comments section, below. Soul-to-soul!

© 2020 Lori A. Noonan. All Rights Reserved.